Endangered Oceans

Endangered status: endangered

Region: Oceans

Threats: habitat degradation, disease, climate change, overconsumption


  • IUCNRedList (2018) Species: Hawksbill Turtle. From icunredlist.org

  • Sea Turtle Conservancy (2018) Information about Sea Turtles: Hawksbill Sea Turtle. From conserveturtles.org

  • IUCNRedList (2018) Species: Whale Shark. From icunredlist.org

  • Marine Bio (2018) Species: Whale Sharks, Rhincodon typus. From marinebio.org


"Endangered Oceans" incorporates coral species: Elkhorn, Pillar, Staghorn, Cantharellus noumeae, and Siderastrea glynni, along with the Hawksbill Sea Turtle and Whale Shark.

Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Under the U.S. Federal Endangered Species Act the Hawksbill Sea Turtle is listed as endangered, but according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) it is internationally recognized as critically endangered. Named for its narrow head and hawk like beak, this turtle was mainly driven to its endangered status due to the actions of humans. Until an international ban was placed, the turtles' shell was a highly sought after item that was used for jewelry and other decorative uses, and was the main reason for their endangered status. The Hawksbill Sea Turtle is also affected by commercial fishing, ocean pollution, and beach pollution (turtles lay their eggs on beaches, with many beaches now facing a major trash/pollution issue the hatchlings are increasingly unable to make the journey from land to ocean).

Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus)

The Whale Shark is the world's largest living fish, being named only for its similar appearance to a whale (whales are mammals). This docile creature uses a filter feeding system, consuming plankton and other small fish. According to IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) the Whale Shark is endangered. Threats to the Whale Shark are commercial fishing (direct fishing for the Whale Shark, along with accidental catches in nets or being struck by a fishing vessel), and habitat pollution also plays a role in their endangered status.


Wild Apricot


Staghorn Coral